Yeni Raki Global

A Complete New Year’s Eve Celebration Guide with Yeni Rakı

A Complete New Year’s Eve Celebration Guide with Yeni Rakı

​​​​​A new chapter, a fresh start, a clean slate… Almost everybody celebrates the first day of the new year full of joy and happiness. If you are an indoor person at big events like this, we kindly present you with a brief guideline for a festive night with your beloved ones in accompany with Yeni Rakı. We surely know that it is a special day and needs some proper preparation process if you are the host, so let's begin!​​


As we all know, people value food the most! So do not get any takeaway and start the meal prep for the night. Whatever you do, don't limit yourself with the same tastes. Having options are the key element of a successful Yeni Rakı table. You have to start from scratch and combine the starters with your main course. Small things actually do matter, like mezzes.

A Complete New Year’s Eve Celebration Guide with Yeni Rakı image

If you are planning to cook meat for your guests as the main course then the ​slow roast lamb recipe ​is what you are looking for. The meat cooks slowly within all the spices inside almost for four hours. But we will assure you the ultimate result will be delicious since the meat will be so juicy and tender.

Here you can find the recipe and start to ​​compose your grocery list. ​

Ingredients for the Slow Roast Lamb:

  • A leg lamb, about 2.3kg

The spice rub:

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 tbsp sea salt flakes

  • 1 tbsp cumin seed

  • 1 pinch sweet paprika

  • 2 tbsp thyme leaves

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • a thick slice of butter

Set the oven at 160C/gas mark 3.


Make the spice rub by lightly crushing the garlic with the salt using a pestle and mortar. Mix in the cumin, paprika, and thyme.

Add the oil and stir to create a thick paste. Melt the butter in a small pan and stir it into the spice paste. Put the lamb into a deep casserole dish and rub with the spice paste.

Put it in the oven. After 35 minutes pour 250ml of water over the lamb and baste with the liquid. Continue roasting for three more hours, basting it each hour. Keep an eye on the juices, if they're evaporating quickly -add some more water.

Remove the lamb from the pan then siphon off the oil. Cover the pan with a lid and set aside for 10 minutes. Carve the lamb and spoon over the juices.​


If you want to prepare something a little faster but still authentic​ get some chicken and make a Jujeh Kabab. This citrusy and flavourful ethnic dish will be a great choice for surprising your guests with different tastes. Believe us, after dinner they will beg you to get that recipe. You can make a nice Turkish pilaf as a side dish and combine those intense tastes with a fresh Mediterranean quinoa salad.​

Jujeh Kebab​ Recipe:

The mezze alternatives are infinite for a menu like this like; muhammara​, burnt aubergine dip or hummus. And if you want to go a step further you can always make some pita bread for eating with those mezzes since they all are spreadable.

The Pita Bread Recipe:

In new year's almost everybody traditionally cooks meat, turkey, and chicken but why not be a game-changer and start your own tradition. As you may know by now, rakı and fish are ​the perfect duos for the majority. If you are a fish person like them, we highly recommend the Zanderfillet Gebacken​ to you. It is really easy to make, as only 4 ingredients level of easy. ​Almost every mezze can go perfectly besides this or any other fish recipe​; ​​gigantes pilaki recipe, haydari, ezme recipe, fava​... There are also lots of warm mezze alternatives like fried calamari​ that you can prepare in a blink or ​you can go for a little challenging way and make some shrimp saganaki recipe​ that suits very well to fish centric seafood table.

The Fried Calamari Recipe:​​

Of course, start designing your menu regarding your guests' preferences. If they are not eating any animal products we are happy to tell you that most of the mezzes at rakı tables are actually vegan! In fact, we created a Youtube vegan recipes playlist that you can watch and get some inspirations.

Vegan Mezze Recipes Playlist:


When music gets involve the whole experience gets doubled. With the lyrics or with the tunes, celebrations, Yeni Rakı and music are all inseparable. But nobody likes searching for good songs while they are occupied and having fun. This kind of event deserves a well-prepared playlist that will play in the background while you are enjoying the night. There are several Yeni Rakı playlists on Spotify for your different moods and for different groups. If you feel a bit nostalgic listen to Soundtracks for Yeni Rakı Tables playlist for a good selection of actual soundtracks of unforgettable films. If you are standing more alternative side of the scale then the Third Generation Unrush​ playlist will be a hit for you. Last but not least, the newest Yeni Rakı playlist that will dominate all friends gatherings is now available on Spotify. We called it the New Year Playlist​ but it includes the old but still gold; the Turkish hits. As you can see, everybody can find a tune for themselves at Yeni Rakı tables.

Listen on Spotify


A good party will be complete if it requires a dress code or a theme. Talk to your guests, organize everybody and select the nights' theme together! Maybe you will have an all-white party or wear red lipstick rule for the night. Do not forget the best themes related to nostalgia. You can welcome 1990 instead of 2020 this year and have a dress code for that occasion. If you decide going nostalgic way for the new year the best playlist will be of course the Soundtracks for Yeni Rakı Tables. Be creative! Anything and everything is possible for the night.​​

Listen on Spotify



If you are one the guests for a New Year's Eve home party you can't go with empty hands. If you want to have a pleasant time, get the spirit for the night and be the hero. Don't know where to get? We got you. Here is a link to online shops​ that you can buy Yeni Rakı wherever you are. You are not the guest but the host? Same for you. Also, while you shop for drinks be aware this kind of a feast always needs a spare bottle, just in case



Rule number one, have a tree. There are plenty of designs from the natural-looking ones to the white ones. It actually doesn't matter what design you get because of the ornaments are the ones that give a soul to the tree. Always be on the hunt for rare ones and make some traditions about them. Maybe you can add one special ornament every year to your tree.

Lights, lights and more lights... In recent years the fairy lights are so popular and can change the ambiance like no other. Do not only consider to decorate the tree with them but also can decorate your table with little touches.

Another good option is that you can print the photos of the guests and write little notes on the backgrounds. Make a seating order for the table and put those photos on their plates. This will also be a remarkable memory of your New Year's Eve gathering that people want to keep forever.


In every group, there is a voluntary photographer who wants to document every possible detail about the night. Find that person who is willing to be the cameraman and give the responsibilities to him/her. If you shoot and share your photos on Instagram, do not forget to add Yeni Rakı Global's cheerful stickers to your posts and tag #unrushyourworld for a possible shout out! Another creative idea could be shooting a mini video series with your guests and talk about your new year wishes one by one. And the same day next year you can watch it with the whole group and talk about the changes you had last year. What you hoped and what you got is a perfect talking topic for this kind of celebration and strengthen your bond with your friends.

CAPTURE THE MOMENTS Yeni Raki everyday​ image


The last part that we have to cover is about the little things that people always forget or ignore but in the end, feel very sorry about it. Let's finalize the details, shall we?

  • First of all, do not forget that you have to have enough ice to survive the whole night! It finishes or melts very easily so stock some ice up for your Yeni Rakı.

  • If you do not want to wake the first day of the year in a chaotic place then arrange a cleaning service right after the party. You surely collect a little amount of money from the group for organizing this event and can cover this kind of unexpected costs.

  • Don't do the grocery shopping last minute. ​Some recipes need serious preparation beforehand. You can always get what you need


    so browse the web after choosing the menu that you want.​

Wish you a happy new year!​

Share, savour and enjoy the new year with Yeni Rakı! ​