Yeni Raki Global

Meis: Close, Beautiful and Delicious

arafed view of a town on a hill with a castle on top

​​Meis is just a stone's throw away. Life is slow here and it's extremely pleasant. It's the perfect place for a quiet, calm and serene holiday. Just like all the other Greek Islands, the seafood here is exceptional. And the people are so kind…

-Ufuk Kaan Altin

The film Mediterraneo tells the story of a group of Italian soldiers who look nothing like soldiers, set during the Second World War. It takes place on the island of Meis which is very close to Turkey. The island therefore naturally holds interest for both Turks and Italians. I personally think that Meis is the most charming of the Greek Islands. You won't miss home at all here. The weather and water are nice, the fish are plenty, and you can find Rakieverywhere. What more could you possibly want?

In the blink of an eye

Let's start from the beginning. Meis is the closest Greek Island to Turkey. It is right across from Kaş and you can even swim there! If you can't swim (!), the ferry goes there every morning and you can get across in 25-30 minutes. Upon arrival, you are welcomed by row after row of restaurants and cafés.

Greetings to Mihalis, a true friend

If you are staying for more than one day, you should spend the first night relaxing at Alexandra's, which in my opinion is the most beautiful place on the island. I guarantee that you won't regret it.

On their website, it says, “Having entertained its customers since 1960 with a brand-new concept, a far cry from the classic 'fish restaurant' approach, Alexandra's continues to serve with growing excitement and a modest atmosphere, and presents several different appetisers during service." Truer words were never spoken. It is a pleasure to witness this excitement and love.

Dining with loggerhead turtles

Mihalis runs the business and his mother works in the kitchen. Despite his young age, Mihalis manages to make a real difference with his silver tongue and modesty. We are having stuffed squid; it's almost impossible to find anything like this in Turkey since this is a hard dish to cook and unfortunately it is also hard to find squid fresh enough. The octopus and grilled swordfish are also exquisite, and we have Rakı. The day we hit the road to return to Kaş, Mihalis stopped us at noon on the path in front of the restaurant. “I'm not letting you go," he said and prepared an amazing appetiser plate for us. We were positively delighted. I mustn't forget to add that a giant loggerhead turtle accompanied us that evening by slowly nibbling away at the bread, potatoes and various seafood we threw into the sea. Unsurprisingly, the water is very clean in the harbour.

The most luxurious place on the island…

That was how we ended the day. The next day it was time to visit Lazarakis, one of the oldest and most luxurious restaurants on the Island. When I say luxurious, I just mean that it's located in the most beautiful place on the Island. Here, I had a small feast including tzatziki, fried aubergine, grilled octopus and calamari, Symi-style shrimp using tiny shrimps, and a Greek salad. I didn't forget about the Raki, either! Everything is fresh and delicious.

Reasonable prices, good service

I forgot to mention the prices at Alexandra's. Rather than giving an exact figure, I should say that I find the amount reasonable and the meals are worth every cent. Lazarakis is a little more expensive than the other restaurants on the island, but just a little, so don't imagine super high figures. The sincerity of Yorgo, the owner, makes up for the difference in price.

Returning home is sad but Meis is never far away

We make our way back on the ferry that leaves for Kaş at 4 pm every evening. Meis looks as if it is made up of the skilful brush strokes of a master artist. It is sad to leave this beauty behind but it's never far away. After all, it will always be here waiting for me and you.

Photo credit: Süha Derbent


Address: Harbour, MeisTel: 00 30 22460


Address: Harbour, MeisTel: 00 30 22460 49370