Yeni Raki Global

Istanbul Elsewhere – Pop-up Meyhane Event with Tan Morgül

people sitting at tables in a restaurant with a man standing at the front of the room

​​​​​​​​​​​​Istanbul is the bridge for the continents, bridge for the cultures, the bridge for different pleasures and tastes. Imagine that you gathered up with your friends and having a feast accompanied by Yeni Rakı in an Istanbul meyhane, but in London. Yes, you read it right, from now on you can be a part of this experience kilometres away from Istanbul. Want to know how? Tan Morgül is bringing the experience of Istanbul meyhanes to London and this event series will offer you a proper rakı experience that you have been missing.

there is a man standing in a restaurant with a chandelier

More About Tan Morgül

Tan Morgül, born in Istanbul, is a London-based author and also a content creator focusing on food. He wrote ''Rakı and Fish: A Mediterranean Seafood Odyssey'' and the ''Istanbul Meyhaneleri Rehberi''. He is the producer and the scriptwriter of a documentary about Istanbul's vibrant meyhane culture called ''İstanbul Meyhaneleri Belgeseli: Vuslatın Başka Alem''.

Are there any 'Meyhane's' in London? 

To answer this, we can use the beautiful words of M. Ali Işık the owner of 'Hatay Meyhanesi' where Cemal Süreya was also a regular of his place.

​''Wherever you drink your 'mey', thay place can become your 'meyhane'.

When we divide the word 'Meyhane' into two we can easily understand the meaning. 'Mey' is a word in Persian which means alcoholic beverage and the word 'hane' means house. Those two combined create the perfect word your years and always link to rakı. In meyhanes, an enormous feast will welcome you with the people you love and care about. Enough amount of music will always accompany you but it shouldn't block deep and sincere conversations.

If you gathered up with your friends and loved ones, prepared a decent 'Çilingir Sofrası' and got your bottle of Yeni Rakı - voila - you are in your own meyhane no matter where you are. And now you have to chance to attend and enjoy your night every single month!


Join this ''Çilingir Sofrası''

​Slices of cheese and melon, little portions of delicious mezzes and a newly-opened bottle of Yeni Rakı. When these all came together they create the ''Çilingir Sofrası''. A table full of laughter, joy, and rituals. There are so many theories about the name, which means the ''Table of Locksmith''. We love the name since as you may already know that rakı opens the hearts as nothing can.

In the events, you will enjoy your own 'Çilingir Sofrası'. There will be lots of delicious food including 6 different mezzes of Istanbul, a warm starter, a main course, and a dessert with a 35 cl Yeni Rakı accompany your experience.

Every month, the menu will change. For example, the last events' treasures were; mashed-eggplant​, mashed broad beans, marine mackerel, tarama, haydari, spiced mutton liver, meatballs and as dessert oven-baked quince in thick syrup.

Here is the detail of this experience with Tan Morgül's own words:

'' Ve açtık! İlkin, Stoke ''Newizade''de masayı kurup İstanbul meyhanelerini konuşmaya başladık. Birkaç tek atarak biraz İstanbul hacası aldık... Demlediğimiz muhabbeti baki kılıyor ve devamını getiriyoruz. Yine aynı yerdeyiz; ve yine aslolan mezedir diyip, iyi bir meze menüsünü kuruyoruz; İstanbu sofrası rotasından sapmadan... İçki mevzusunda asli rolü, son yüzyılın raconu gereği Rakı kapıyor. ''

people sitting at tables in a restaurant with a man taking a picture

Come and join the Meyhane table and enjoy the experience.

Get your tickets​ now.

Share, savour, enjoy!

Not living in London or the tickets for the event are already sold out? Then prepare some mezzes, get some cheese and order your Yeni Rakı right now. 
